About us
Es una organización global dedicada a promover, proteger, rescatar el acervo cultural y defender los derechos de los pueblos indígenas
Es una organización global dedicada a promover, proteger, rescatar el acervo cultural y defender los derechos de los pueblos indígenas
HAA XAH TIIPE is an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to promoting, protecting, rescuing the cultural heritage, and defending the rights of Latin American indigenous peoples.
There are more than 476 million people in the world who define themselves as indigenous. They are distributed in about 90 countries. Only in Latin America, there are more than 400 indigenous groups. Each group has its language and culture. Each of them deserves protection so that their culture does not disappear.
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (adopted by the General Assembly on September 13, 2007) affirms the minimum standards for the survival, dignity, and well-being of indigenous peoples.
This UN declaration covers individual and collective rights, as well as cultural and identity rights. This UN declaration also protects indigenous peoples’ rights to access to education, health, and employment. Besides, all discrimination against indigenous peoples is declared illegal. The UN also promotes the full participation of these peoples in aspects like the defense of their lands.
The UN also mandates respect for the right of indigenous peoples to be different and to handle their economic, social, and cultural development priorities.
However, indigenous peoples in all regions of the world continue to face discrimination and violence. They fight against the reduction of their spaces and the lack of recognition of their rights. Indigenous peoples also suffer land dispossession and the negative repercussions of climate change. That is why Haa Xah Tiipe works to change these realities and help minimize this negative impact.
Important Facts
370 million people in the world define themselves as indigenous peoples. They are distributed in 70 countries.
Indigenous peoples form some 5,000 distinct groups. They occupy about 20 % of the planet's territory.
Less than 6 % of the world population is indigenous peoples. They speak more than 4,000 of the 7,000 languages of the world.
One of the causes of poverty and marginalization of indigenous peoples is their inability to have control over their traditional lands and natural resources.
We need your help
Be part of this initiative
Indigenous tribes, including the Comcaac tribe, need help to have a better quality of life.
Unfortunately, over the years, they have been stripped of their land. They now need access to clean water, food, medicine and medical care, clothing, among other priorities.
Do you want to know how to help them? Contact us